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Intestacy Basics: Essential Information and Guidance

Thinking ahead, planning an estate, and finalizing a will an important step to take, even if you do not have a large number of assets or children.  If you or a loved one has not taken the step to write a will before death, however, the law in Minnesota provides an avenue to make sure […]

Preparing For Your First Meeting With Your Probate Lawyer

The time immediately following the death of a loved one is always difficult for anyone touched by their death.  For the person named as the Personal Representative (sometimes called the Executor) in the deceased’s will, the process can be even more difficult, as he or she is responsible for making sure the estate is properly […]

Does Adultery Matter in My Divorce?

It is no secret that the divorce rate is on the rise in the United States.  In addition to the rising divorce rate, the rate of infidelity has also been on the rise, with an estimated 30% to 60% of all married individuals committing some form of infidelity during their marriage.  Although infidelity may be a big […]

How Social Media Matters in Divorce or Child Custody Cases

Social media and the Internet can be wonderful tools to stay in contact with friends and family.  Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms can all help us share moments of our lives with our loved ones, even when we live far away.  Social media can also have its pitfalls, however, especially when it comes to […]

What is Discovery?

As with any type of legal proceeding, the success of your divorce or child custody case will depend in large part on the strength of the evidence you have to support your claims.  It is essential that you have reliable and admissible evidence in order to back up your requests to the court.  One way […]

Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act Basics

Making big state-to-state moves is becoming increasingly common.  Advances in technology make it simpler to stay in contact with family and friends we have left behind and it is now quite common to hop on a plane to make a quick weekend trip as travel becomes more convenient than it was in decades past.  As […]

Understanding QDRO Basics and Comprehensive Legal Guidelines

When people are married, they work together to build a future together. They will plan and invest, looking forward to the day when they can retire.  However, not every relationship stands the test of time and sometimes divorce becomes a reality. When this happens, the assets for the future that the couple has worked hard to […]

Love Is Love. Marriage Is Marriage. and Divorce Is Divorce.

As attorneys focused on family law, sometimes we’re asked about same-sex divorce. How is it different?The answer: It’s not. Minnesota law makes no legal distinction between the marriage—or the divorce—of any two consenting adult parties. In other words: Marriage doesn’t discriminate. And neither does divorce. Divorce comes with a slew of emotions: anger, frustration, confusion, […]

Bring Peace and Balance to Your Co-Parenting Relationship

Custody cases can be very difficult, and even when they’re finished many co-parents find they still have disagreements. Unless they have a good way to solve those disagreements, their co-parenting relationship is further strained, and in the end, the kids suffer. Many families in this situation have found that hiring a Parenting Time Expeditor or […]

Facing Divorce? Have a Seat at the (Mediation) Table.

Divorce is a really small word for a really big pile of stuff: Emotions. Logistics. Discussions. Paperwork. Arguments. Even if you and your soon-to-be-ex plan on holding hands and frolicking through the process with mutual respect and admiration, it’s still an intimidating undertaking. And if you’re feeling not-so-frolicky? Or downright acrimonious? Fuggedaboutit. Divorce probably feels […]