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Coronavirus: What you should know

Coronavirus: What you should know

June 28, 2020

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Coronavirus: What you should know

June 28, 2020

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Since the coronavirus has become a scare (and a reality in our lives) – Johnson/Turner Legal has experienced an increase in calls from people wanting to Covid19learn about Health Care Directives, Powers of Attorney, and Estate Planning. It’s times like these where we all seem to take stock of what’s really important. We are here to help you. We’ve heard from many that they’d prefer not to come into our offices to get started because of COVID-19, and so we have created options for you to have your initial consultations over the phone or through video conferencing.

Why is a Health Care Directive important? It allows you to designate a trusted person to make health care decisions for you in the event you are unable to do so yourself. This means that should the unthinkable happen, and you need to rely on someone to make health care decisions for you, there would be a person already with that authority because you were a good planner. This gives peace of mind to you. And it also gives peace of mind to your loved ones.

Why is a Power of Attorney important? It allows you to designate a trusted person to take care of your financial and legal needs if you are unable to do so yourself. If you are unable to make these decisions, it’s important to have designated and authorized a person you trust to do so for you.

Now is good time to address all of your Estate Planning needs. So many of us have this on our never-ending list of things to get do, but we never seem to get to it. JT Legal can help. Give us a call to help plan for all your estate planning needs.


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