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How Will a Life Coach Help Me Through My Divorce?

How Will a Life Coach Help Me Through My Divorce?

December 19, 2017

By Johnson/Turner Legal

How Will a Life Coach Help Me Through My Divorce?

December 19, 2017

By Johnson/Turner Legal

life coachDivorce can have a serious emotional impact on you and your family. During this time, you will be making important and essential decisions that will impact you and your children for years to come. It’s imperative to your future and your children’s future to take care of yourself during this process so you can think clearly and make good decisions. At Johnson/Turner Legal, we offer the services of a life coach for our clients to help them stay focused on their future goals even during their divorce.
Many times, people going through a divorce get stuck thinking about the past and reliving some rough times in their life. A life coach can help you identify what is really important to you in life and then help you focus your energy on moving forward in a healthy way. Coaching helps build on our clients’ strengths and abilities, especially when they are working through a difficult transition in life. It helps clients focus on their true needs and values.

The coaching process is designed to help our clients find clarity and identify aspects of their lives that they’d like to change or improve. The life coach can serve as a sounding board and guide. The coach will be non-judgmental, and help clients focus on the present and the future.

Our clients report that after working with a coach, they felt empowered. They are surprised that a divorce experience can be so transformative to their lives.

We have helped many clients find ways move through their divorce with dignity and grace through working with a life coach.  Call us today at (320) 299-4249 so we can talk about your divorce and the resources available to you.


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