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Is Divorce For Me?

Is Divorce For Me?

May 4, 2022

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Is Divorce For Me?

May 4, 2022

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Thinking Carefully Before Making a Decision

Deciding whether or not to continue a marriage is not one that someone should make lightly. Careful thought must be given to ensure that you are making the right decision for yourself. Keep in mind that only you can decide if divorce is the right move for you; there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer to this question.

Because this is such a crucial moment where a choice must be made, consider the following guiding questions to help you as you make your decision.

Am I Happy in My Marriage?

Feelings may change daily; one moment you may be thrilled with the state of your marriage, and the next you may question if you made the right decision. However, this conversation changes if you consistently lean toward the negative. If you struggle to answer if you are truly happy in your marriage, you may have other decisions to make.

Do My Spouse and I Love Each Other Daily?

Remember that love is more than the feelings that you share with your spouse; true love involves making a daily choice to meet each other’s needs. If you feel either you or your spouse can no longer make this choice day after day, you may wish to speak with an attorney about your situation.

Have We Put in Effort to Fix the Problems?

No one should give up on a marriage at the first sign of trouble. It takes daily work to make a marriage successful. If, on the other hand, you and your spouse have worked at trying to resolve your issues with little to no results, you may have one last decision to make.

The city of Minneapolis. A blue rectangle is in the middle. White text reads "Unsure if you need an attorney to help with your divorce? Click here to take our quick assessment!"

Do I Need an Attorney?

An attorney not only can provide you with the guidance you need to make the right decisions, but they also can provide you with insight as to where you and your spouse stand and how you can move forward. At Johnson / Turner Legal, we know how important it is to receive guidance, which is why we are committed to helping our clients move forward with confidence in the decisions they make.

Learn more about our firm or schedule a guidance call by calling us at (320) 299-4249 or by visiting our website.


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