Financial Abuse Red Flags
Abuse comes in many forms. Physical and emotional abuse are the types that most people think of, but domestic violence can also take a variety of other forms ranging from sexual assault to terroristic threats to financial abuse. Financial abuse is a form of domestic violence that often starts off under the guise of the […]
Why You May Need an Expert Witness in Your Divorce
The vast majority of cases now end in settlement. Most parties understand that being able to craft their own agreement tailor-made for their case is highly preferable to allowing a judge to make important life decisions on their behalf. This is especially true in family law cases, as the issues at hand will impact life on a […]
Marital or Non-Marital Property
The end of a marriage means that the spouses will need to separate not only their lives, but their debts and assets. Although the majority of cases end with the parties reaching an agreement and entering into a settlement agreement regarding this division, this is not always the case. In the absence of an agreement, the trial […]
Special Needs Children and Custody
Every divorce or child custody dispute brings stress and sometimes even chaos to the family unit. The parents and the children are trying to cope with the changes to their day-to-day lives, and this may even include changes to living arrangements, schools, or careers. Parents and courts will make a decision on custody and visitation arrangements based […]
Pets and Divorce
Having pets is very common among American households. One survey found that almost 80 million households in the United States owned at least one pet in 2015-2016. In so many cases, these animals are considered family members. When a relationship fails and there is a divorce or separation, is should therefore be no surprise that […]
How Will a Life Coach Help Me Through My Divorce?
Divorce can have a serious emotional impact on you and your family. During this time, you will be making important and essential decisions that will impact you and your children for years to come. It’s imperative to your future and your children’s future to take care of yourself during this process so you can think […]
Pets and Wills and Trusts
For most people with animals, these pets are thought of as members of the family. Pets are important to their owners, and owners want to make sure that pets are always provided for, even in the event of the owner’s incapacity or death. There are mechanisms for pet owners ensure their pet is always cared […]
Minnesota Estate Tax
Only two things in life are certain – death and taxes. In Minnesota, depending on the size of your estate, it is possible that upon your death, your estate may be taxed again before it is passed to your beneficiaries. Although many other states have already gotten rid of estate taxes, Minnesota has opted instead […]
Personal Representative Misconduct
After someone passes away, there will need to be another person to step in and make sure that the deceased’s estate is properly distributed. In some cases there is a will that will specifically name this person, who is called an executor or a personal representative. When the deceased dies intestate, meaning there is no […]
What is Included in the Estate?
When a loved one passes away, it may be necessary to probate the estate of the deceased. Probate is the process during which the assets that belonged to the deceased are distributed to beneficiaries. Accordingly, the first step in this process will be to determine what is included in the estate. This can actually be more complicated […]