Elective Shares Explained: Legal Rights and Information
People spend a lot of time and effort in crafting their estate plans. A last will and testament is clearly a key element of your plan. In most cases, spouses will be very open and honest with each other about the contents of their wills. However, there are some cases where one spouse may change […]
LF500 Winner
Johnson/Turner is proud to announce that it has been named on the 2018 Law Firm 500 Award Honorees List. Johnson/Turner is the first firm in Minnesota to be awarded with this honor. The 2018 Law Firm 500 Award Honorees List recognizes the top 250 law firms that achieved significant growth in revenue in 2018. Johnson/Turner […]
Co-Parenting and Technology
The end of a relationship or marriage is always complicated and brings more changes than simply the cessation of the underlying romantic association. The separation will mean acquiring and setting up a new household for each party, rearranging finances, and generally restructuring each party’s life. When there are children involved, this will obviously involve the […]
Neutral Financial Experts
Divorce brings lots of new changes and situations. In almost every case, one of the most far-reaching changes is that of a new financial situation. Both parties must find a way to move forward without the financial support of the other spouse. Where there have historically been two incomes to help further the parties’ financial goals, now […]
Private School and Custody
Every parent simply looking to make sure that their children are raised in a safe and stable environment where they get all that they require. During a divorce or custody proceeding, if the parents cannot come to an agreement, the judge will come to a decision about what is in the children’s best interest. The […]
Expectation of Parental Income
A divorce or custody action always means major changes for both the people in the relationship as well as the children involved. These changes involve logistic issues, emotional issues, and financial issues. At the end of the case, the judge will make an order for child support. The law provides that children have the right […]
Order for Protection – Who Does It Cover and Child Custody
Domestic abuse is a very serious problem that impacts millions of Americans. Domestic abuse can come in many forms. Although most people think of domestic abuse as simply physical violence, but it can come in other forms, such as financial control or emotional abuse. It is very difficult for victims to escape the cycle of […]
Real Estate and Uncontested Divorce
Divorce can mean a long, drawn out dispute between two spouses. However, more commonly, parties are able to come to an agreement about some or even all of the issues before having to go to a contested hearing before a judge. An uncontested divorce can be an excellent way to craft an agreement that has special solutions […]
Right of First Refusal – When It Won’t Work
Whether you and your partner were married and need a divorce or simply in a long-term relationship, separating and starting two separate households often requires a lot of restructuring and rearranging of daily schedules. In the optimal situation, you and your soon to be former spouse or partner will work together to create a new visitation […]
Homestead, Real Estate, and Estate Planning
Owning your own home has long been part of “the American Dream.” People commonly work hard to purchase their own home and build equity in that real estate for many years. For many, the family home may be their most substantial asset at the time of his or her death. Like any other major asset, […]