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Domestic Violence In the Time of COVID-19

For too many, being stuck at home is more than an annoyance. It is a danger. We are all feeling a lack of control in our lives, but a person who cannot manage that will take it out on their victim. In these times of great stress combined with being isolated at home, we will […]

Virtual Johnson/Turner Mediation Services are available!

One thing is for certain, even in uncertain times, family law issues need to be addressed and resolved.  We are excited to offer our Virtual JT Mediation Services through video conferencing! We offer video-conference mediations and screen sharing capabilities to help you and your spouse, you ex, or your co-parent help figure out how to […]

Co-Parenting in the Time of COVID-19

It is inevitable: co-parenting is about to get a lot more challenging. We are faced with all sorts of NEW and SCARY things.  Our kids are home from school for who-knows-how -long, many folks are working remotely or just not working at all due to businesses shutting their doors, and many of us are wondering […]

What to do When Your Child Resists Visiting the Other Parent

Separation or divorce is always challenging for everyone involved, especially if the parties share children. The children will have to adjust to the “new normal” of going back and forth between two houses, having two sets of rules, and two different homes. This adjustment can be challenging for children even during the most amicable and simple of divorces. After […]

When Right of First Refusal Goes Wrong

Adjusting after a divorce or separation is difficult for everyone involved, and there are many moving parts.   You and your former spouse or partner will have to both think about a new budget, a new place to live, and sometimes even a new career.  If you share children with your spouse or partner, you will […]

Co-Parenting and Teenagers – Special Considerations

Ask any parent, and they will tell you that every stage of childhood brings its own challenges.  Parenting a teenager is often cited as one of the most difficult time to parent your child, as they gain independence and their own identity.  Adding a divorce to a teenager’s life will make things more complicated, emotional, and sometimes […]

What Is a Perpetual Trust

People use a variety of instruments in their estate plans to achieve their goals. Each instrument has a different purpose and helps to hit your target in unique ways. For example, a healthcare directive can provide instructions to your medical care team about what types of measures you want taken in case you are incapacitated. On the […]

Requirements for a Valid Will

Having a valid last will and testament is one of the cornerstones for a well-arranged and thought out estate plan.  With a valid will, you can dictate how your assets will be distributed, create trusts, and ensure the stability for your friends and family members after you pass away.  When drafting your will, it is […]

Revocable or Irrevocable Trust?

Estate planning is a crucial step to make sure that you can achieve your goals.  With an estate plan, you can dictate who receives your assets when you die, transfer complicated assets such as family cabins with a minimum of fuss, and even make provision for your grandchildren’s college education. There are a wide variety […]