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Former Client Testimonial

Former Client Testimonial

July 20, 2020

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Former Client Testimonial

July 20, 2020

By Johnson/Turner Legal

The following blog post was written by a former client as a testimonial for Johnson/Turner Legal.

I found Johnson and Turner on Google and was drawn in by their approach to divorce process. Although my journey has not been as smooth sailing with my ex as I thought it would be, I am grateful to have found this firm. I feel as though the staff genuinely cares about my concerns, fears, and expectations.

One of the reasons I chose Johnson and Turner was because they offered coaching as a part of their packages. This firm understands that divorce is more than just a ‘business transaction’ and provides a fabulous coach to assist with the ‘what’s life after divorce’ phase.

Matt Tuttle has been a bright light during my journey through divorce. I appreciate his no-nonsense approach to his coaching style. From session one, Matt listened with without judgment. He gave space for tears, a few crazy outbursts and responded with care.

It is evident that Matt works with people daily and has a passion to help people. His knowledge is rich and the outside perspectives he offers has really allowed me to dig deep into what I want moving forward. I am not going to sugar coat our sessions together and say they are all glitter and rainbows. Working on yourself is hard work and Matt is great at asking hard questions.

Because of these questions, I am outside of my comfort zone. I am learning about myself and what it is that I really want from life once the divorce is finalized. No one ever really talks about life after divorce or even through divorce. And by working with a professional who can help sort through the muck of divorce and then coming out a better person on the other side is worth every hard session.

I have found the experience with Matt to be a blessing through all of this. He has reminded me over and over that I am not going to be defined by my divorce. He has given me the tools to move forward each day with confidence in myself and who I am wanting to become. After each session, I am in awe of what I have learned and look forward to implementing the outside perspectives.

I realize that working on oneself can be hard, scary, and downright daunting. It is a lot easier to just avoid diving into our past and learning from it. The time and energy it will take may not be worth it to some. But I am here to say that working with Matt is more than worth it. It is worth figuring out how to become the best version of yourself with the help of a professional.

I would recommend Johnson and Turner to anyone looking for legal services. And I believe that Matt Tuttle is just as much as an asset to the firm as any one else on staff. I am changed because of Matt and more than grateful for the help and services he has provided throughout this whole process.

Thank you!



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