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How the Mutts Did Strut!

How the Mutts Did Strut!

September 18, 2017

By Johnson/Turner Legal

How the Mutts Did Strut!

September 18, 2017

By Johnson/Turner Legal


The J/T Legal gang was back in St. Louis Park on September 10 with a booth at Strut Your Mutt, a fun dog walk and fundraiser. (You might have seen us promoting the event in advance.) The event is organized by Best Friends Animal Society, a group whose mission is to bring about a time when there are no more homeless pets.

Johnson/Turner believes that pets are family members, and setting up pet trusts is part of our estate planning services. Pet trusts ensure that companion animals are taken care of according to their owner’s wishes even after the human(s) are no longer around.

At our booth we talked with mutt strutters about pet trusts. These types of legal arrangements for our pets were only made legally enforceable in Minnesota in 2016. (The law is in effect retroactive to August 1, 2015.) We gave away “Future Trust Fund Dog” bandanas and the results, well, as with most pet pics, they speak for themselves.

We even got to meet Goldy the Gopher! His neck was too big for a bandana, and we have a sneaking suspicion that he’d already be covered under human trusts. But still, it was nice to see him out for a good cause!


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