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Steps to Take if You’ve Been Denied Visitation by Your Ex

Steps to Take if You’ve Been Denied Visitation by Your Ex

January 25, 2024

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Steps to Take if You’ve Been Denied Visitation by Your Ex

January 25, 2024

By Johnson/Turner Legal

When spending time with your children is a top priority, you don’t want anything to get in the way of that. Unfortunately, sometimes your children’s other parent, who should also want the best for your children, is also the person keeping you from them.

Getting denied your parenting time  with your kids can be frustrating and upsetting. When it happens frequently, you should consider taking legal action to correct the problem. A child custody lawyer can provide much-needed guidance and representation to pursue the best possible result. 

What’s the Reason for Withholding Parenting Time?

Every parent has their own reasoning for denying the other parent their time with the kids. But do they have a legitimate reason, or are their motivations selfish?

Sometimes, parents have real, legitimate reasons for wanting to keep their kids away from the other parent. For example, if they believe the parent is putting the children in danger or neglecting the kids, the parent may do whatever is necessary to keep the kids from that parent.

However, in many cases, parents try to keep their kids away from the other parent for wrongful reasons, such as:

  • Anger or resentment 
  • Punishment for past misconduct
  • Failure to pay child support or alimony on time
  • Disappointment over a new relationship

While a parent might think they have a valid reason to keep their kids away from their other parent, they often do not. It is important to understand why your ex is trying to withhold parenting time  so you can take the appropriate actions.

What to Do if Your Ex Is Denying Visitation

If your ex is withholding parenting time with your kids frequently, you may need to take steps to correct it.

Continue Putting Forth Effort

First and foremost, even if your ex is denying you parenting time , continue doing everything as you should. Keep trying to see your kids when you’re supposed to, showing up to events and gatherings, and paying child support

When you stop trying to see your kids or fulfilling your duties, your ex may try to use that against you. Maintaining the same level of effort, regardless of the current circumstances, can help prove your dedication to your children. 

Speak to Your Ex

You can start trying to correct the problem by speaking directly with your ex. Ask them why they’re denying parenting time , and try to work with them to find a resolution. 

It is important to talk in a calm, civilized manner. Healthy communication is key. When the interaction becomes hostile or argumentative, you’re less likely to get anywhere. 

There are no guarantees the conversation will go as planned — all you can do is try. 

Keep Records of Everything

Maintain records of everything related to your kids. This includes keeping a record of every time you try to see them and every child support payment you make. Also include details of interactions with your ex and how they deny you parenting time . 

Your records could help strengthen your future case. It’s always best when you have specific examples.

Discuss Your Situation With a Child Custody Lawyer

When handling the situation on your own doesn’t yield favorable results, consult with a child custody lawyer. An attorney can review the details of your situation and give you proper legal advice. 

Taking Legal Action Against Your Ex

Your child custody lawyer may recommend taking legal action. Depending on the circumstances, you may petition the court to enforce an existing custody agreement or seek a custody modification.

When a parent willfully violates a custody agreement, the court may intervene and hold the violating parent in contempt of court. Contempt means a person has refused to comply with a court order, which could result in legal trouble. 

A child custody modification is sometimes necessary when there has been a change in circumstances warranting a change in custody arrangements. This requires showing how the current custody order endangers the child..

Taking legal action against your ex can seem daunting and stressful, but it may be the only way to regain access to your kids. Fortunately, with the help of a qualified attorney, the process is less intimidating. 

Seek Legal Assistance From an Experienced Child Custody Lawyer

If you’re having visitation issues with your ex, do not hesitate to seek legal guidance. The custody lawyers at Johnson/Turner are ready to protect your rights and fight for the best possible outcome for you and your children. Contact us today to book a Quick Guidance Call. 



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