Download the 7 Most Important Things To Look For In A Family Law Attorney

Can I Get an Annulment?

Annulment is a concept about which a lot of misinformation is widely shared in both public opinion, popular culture, and the media.  Many people seem to believe that, for example, a failure to consummate a marriage makes the parties eligible for an annulment.  Many also believe that a marriage of short duration can be annulled […]

Military Service and Divorce

Every divorce is different because every family is different.  Each family has its own issues for a judge to decide, which may range from asset and property division to determining a proper parenting time schedule for the parties’ children.  Despite these differences, the same rules apply to these families, but where one of the spouses […]

When Is Right of First Refusal a Good Idea

When two people share children, there is no question that they will have to continue working hard for the mutual benefit of their children long after the divorce or custody case is over. The court will enter an order that provides for specific parenting time for the children, including holidays, when and how the children […]

Written Discovery Basics

Although divorce, custody, and other family law cases deal with the most personal details of the lives of the parties involved, they arise as a part of a lawsuit and are subject to the same rules as other court cases.  As with other proceedings, the parties have the right to obtain information about and from […]

Attorney Olivia Newland an American Institute of Legal Advocates as a Rising Star!

We are proud to announce that Attorney Olivia Newland has been selected by the American Institute of Legal Advocates as a Rising Star. The AIOLA Rising Star selection is based upon positive reviews for outstanding work in their field, positive recommendations from other lawyers, and a demonstration of strong ethics and integrity. Olivia practices in […]

Does Adultery Matter In My Divorce?

Dealing with a divorce is almost always an emotionally difficult and complex time. It can be a challenge to process the emotions that accompany the end of your marriage relationship, especially as you have likely spent years or even decades planning your future with your spouse. When the divorce is due to adultery of your […]

Bird Nest Custody

Parents know that every child and every family is different. Just like their parents, children will cope with divorce or separation in their own ways. For some children, the transition may be simple; for others, it can be a longer and more emotionally complex process. Parents can help ease the anxiety and difficulty of divorce […]

New Partners at Johnson/Turner Legal

We are thrilled to announce, effective March 1, 2018,  attorneys Samantha Graf, Eric Parker, Katie Jarvi & Kelly Sater have been named as Partners at Johnson/Turner Legal. Each one of these individuals has demonstrated excellence in their work and work ethic, devotion to our clients’ needs and experience, dedication to the success of our firm, […]

Past Crimes and Custody – What Matters and What Doesn’t

At the end of any divorce or custody case, a judge will make a determination regarding custody and parenting time. This decision will be based on what is in the child’s best interest. A just must consider the factors set forth in Minnesota Statute § 518.17 when making this determination. These factors focus on ensuring that […]