No One Can Afford the House After Divorce – Now What?
During marriage, you and your spouse have likely worked together to accumulate assets and build security for your future together. The financial stress of a divorce, unfortunately, can sometimes put a severe dent in the assets that you have worked a lifetime to build. Where you and your spouse have spent time sharing responsibilities, including […]
How Early Neutral Evaluation Can Help Your Case
In today’s court system, the vast majority of cases are settled before the final trial. Divorces are no exception. Settling your case can provide important advantages over going to court. Settling can save you substantial amounts of money, as going all the way through a divorce final hearing means having to pay your attorney to […]
Do I Need to Request a Temporary Hearing?
There are many important steps when preparing for your divorce. Gathering documents, discussing the separation with your spouse, and preparing your children for the changes are just a few things that will need to be done at the very beginning of your divorce. One issue that often is concerning to people just starting a divorce or just […]
Why Did I Lose My Custody Case?
Issues about child custody are often the hardest-fought battles in family law. Child custody can also be one of the most subjective determinations. When there is a contested child custody issue that a court needs to decide, the judge will make the decision based on particular factors set out in the Minnesota statutes. These factors […]
Pros and Cons of Joint Tenancy
For most Americans, real estate is the most valuable asset in their estate. The primary residence is typically the real estate that receives the most attention, as well as the most financial investment and priority. It is not uncommon for people to treat real estate as an investment tool for the future, just as they would a […]
Why Leaving Assets Outright to a Beneficiary Can Backfire
The cornerstone of many estate plans is the last will and testament. Your will provides you with the chance to make sure that your assets are distributed to the particular beneficiaries you name. Your will is your best chance to tell the probate court exactly how you want your estate handled. Many people think of the will […]
Pros and Cons of a Revocable Trust
Estate plans are as variable and different as the individuals who create them. Each person will have his or her own goals in mind when crafting the estate plan, and this will mean that every estate plan must be individually crafted. Trusts are a common element in many different types of estate plans, and there […]
What to Expect From a Final Divorce Hearing
More and more court cases are being resolved through settlement every year, and divorce cases are no exception. Divorce settlement allows the parties to save money, shorten the process, and retain a degree over control over how their case will be resolved. However, this is not always possible. When parties are not able to resolve all of their […]
“Allocation of Parental Responsibilities” – What Does That Mean?
Parenting and custody issues are often some of the most highly disputed issues during any divorce case. Parenting together with a partner during a harmonious marriage or relationship is difficult, and when the relationship falls apart, co-parenting can become even more challenging. During a divorce or custody case, a court will need to make […]
Who Gets the Child’s College Fund?
Planning for your child’s future is an important and exciting step for a parent. It is thrilling helping your child to grow and learn. Saving for their college education is part of what can help make sure that your child’s future is secure. College is expensive, especially if your child chooses to attend a private […]