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What is Divorce Coaching?

What is Divorce Coaching?

November 14, 2022

By Johnson/Turner Legal

What is Divorce Coaching?

November 14, 2022

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Are you wondering what exactly divorce coaching is and if it can benefit you? Read here to find out what divorce coaching is and why it’s so beneficial.

Research shows that after 20 years of marriage, 53% of marriages have been disrupted, which means they have ended in divorce, separation, or death. For many people, marriage doesn’t last forever.

No matter the reason or cause, leaving your partner and starting fresh can be devastating. Divorce coaching is a great way to get the support and advice you need during this troubling time.

But what is a divorce coach?

Similar to other types of coaching, a divorce coach is specifically trained to assist you personally with filing for divorce and assessing your divorce options.

Keep reading to find out more about how these services can help you.

What Is Divorce Coaching?

Unlike a lawyer, a divorce coach is not there to provide legal advice or settle financial disputes; divorce coaching is about having a welcoming and supportive space to help you clarify your goals for a divorce case.

When you’re getting a divorce, there is a lot of paperwork to sign, meetings to attend, and calls to take when you’re negotiating your personal assets and child custody.

During this time, you want to ensure that you communicate your needs clearly and directly to your spouse. So, a divorce coach will help you develop better negotiation skills and build your confidence for these discussions.

Depending on your preference, some coaches are trained for emotional welfare. Whereas others have certification for specific areas of a divorce case.

Either way, you’ll find someone with the experience and skills to assist you through a divorce.

Who Needs a Divorce Coach?

No one expects to get divorced, so the sudden change in lifestyle and new challenges can feel overwhelming. Even if you have a resilient personality, getting divorce coaching for your separation is still beneficial.

To help you decide if divorce coaching is right for you, here are some questions to ask yourself in your present situation:

  • Do you constantly feel scared and overwhelmed?
  • Does the future after divorce make you feel depressed?
  • Are you confused about the legal system?
  • Will parenting alone be overwhelming?
  • Do you need help figuring out how to speak with your ex-spouse?

If your answers to these questions were mostly yes, then it’s time to reach out to a divorce coach.

Benefits of Divorce Coaching

Of course, it’s possible to get through a divorce without getting coaching, but the process will be more complicated and challenging. With the support of a divorce coach, they can support you through the steps.

One of the main benefits of divorce coaching is they are impartial and don’t know anything about your personal history. You can show up and speak freely without fearing judgment from others.

Safe Space to Talk

There are many reasons that someone decides to end a marriage, and some of them include domestic abuse or infidelity. Talking about these subjects with close friends and family might be too difficult.

But, in the presence of a divorce coach, you can speak openly about the reason for divorce and share your thoughts about the process.

They won’t have biased feelings toward your spouse and will be on your side. That way, you can focus your energy on winning the divorce trial and not letting emotional issues get in the way.

An Emotional Anchor

Emotions run high during a divorce case, so it will be beneficial to have a professional divorce coach by your side who has been through the process with other clients.

They’ll know what to expect and can guide you through your emotional responses to different case parts.

If your divorce involves custody of children or has resulted from traumatic events, it’s essential that you can control your emotions during the proceedings.

But, everyone struggles to keep their cool when a life-changing event occurs. A divorce coach can help you think through solutions and encourage you to take reasonable steps in your favor.

Support After Divorce

When you sign a divorce paper, the journey isn’t over. It’s just the beginning of this new chapter in your life, and the daunting prospects of finding a new place to live and work are complex.

Divorce coaching doesn’t have to end when you leave the courtroom. Many of these professionals continue to give their clients support after the divorce has been finalized.

Therefore, you don’t need to face transitional time alone. Your divorce coach will be there from the beginning to the end.

Important for Children

Divorce is difficult for the spouse involved, but it can also have long-lasting adverse effects on children if they aren’t given the right environment.

A divorce coach will ensure that you’re paying attention to your children during the divorce trial and actively thinking about planning their future.

You must have someone to center your focus on the aftermath and building a life after divorce. This will give you a goal during the challenging phases and motivate you to see the divorce through until the end.

A Calming Presence

Ultimately, you want a divorce coach who will be a claiming presence during a separation. The last thing you need is more stress and frustration when your ex-spouse won’t communicate or return your calls.

The best way to cope with divorce and remain level-headed is to hire a divorce coach. Although you need a professional with the correct qualifications, experience, and reviews.

You need to be able to trust them and know that they are 100% on your team.

Find the Divorce Coach That’s Right for You

You can find endless lists of divorce coaching online, but not all of them have the skills and knowledge to help you with your separation.

The good news is that our coach has the qualifications and resources to ensure your divorce goes as smoothly and as stress-free as possible.

You can begin with an assessment, and our coach will let you know what plan will work best for you. All you need to do is make a phone call or send an email, and you can start working with your divorce coach in no time.

If you have more questions or queries about divorce coaching, reach out here.


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