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Why Should I Go To Mediation?

Why Should I Go To Mediation?

February 12, 2018

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Why Should I Go To Mediation?

February 12, 2018

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Alternative dispute resolution is being increasingly used in all types of cases across the United States in order to help parties to all types of litigation settle before a trial. Family law cases in Minnesota are no exception to this. Couples are increasingly turning to different ways to find quicker and less costly ways to resolve their family law disputes, including mediation. During mediation, divorce litigants have a meeting or a series of meetings with a neutral third party, who will help the parties resolve their issues and come to a settlement on some or all of the issues in their divorce. Some divorce parties feel reluctant to attempt mediation, but there are several good reasons why you should consider mediation in your divorce or custody matterguy shrugging like he does not know what to do

One great benefit to mediation is being able to finish your case quicker than if you had to wait for a divorce trial. If you and your spouse have to proceed all the way to a final hearing on all of the issues in your case, you will likely have to wait many months in order to get a final hearing scheduled, as court schedules are often busy. Finishing your divorce with an agreed order means you can finish your case and move forward with your life much quicker.

Another benefit is that a case concluding in mediation will usually cost the litigants less. Going to a final divorce or custody trial is costly, as the parties much each pay their respective lawyers not only for the time spent in trial, but also for the time spent to prepare. Coming to a mediated final agreement means you will not have to pay an attorney for the hours it usually takes to prepare for a lengthy final hearing, thereby saving you money.

Finally, arguably the best benefit to mediation is that you and your spouse can craft a plan custom-made to the needs of your family. This is especially advantageous when you have children. Parents are much better positioned to make decisions about the way their children should be spending their time than a judge who may never even meet the children.

If you are facing a divorce and have questions about how mediation could benefit you, let us answer your questions. Contact us today at (320) 299-4249 to discuss your case and how we can help you achieve your goals.


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