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The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Child Custody Case

The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Child Custody Case

November 7, 2022

By Johnson/Turner Legal

The Ultimate Guide to Winning a Child Custody Case

November 7, 2022

By Johnson/Turner Legal

Winning your child custody case is your top priority. Click here for the ultimate guide to winning a child custody case.

In a recent study, it was found that 51 percent of parents spent 20 percent of their household income on child care. Children are a huge investment financially and emotionally.

This is one of the main reasons why child custody cases are notorious for getting messy quickly. If you are currently involved in a difficult child custody case, you may be wondering what is the best way to win your case.

Here’s a look at some of the best strategies you can incorporate if you are serious about winning your case.

Put Your Child First

One of the major things you need to do to ensure that your case is going smoothly is to think about the best interest of your child. When you get involved in a child custody case, it can be easy to focus on the other parent and winning.

When there is a custody battle, the children can be stressed too. If you are anxious and always fighting with the other parent, your children are likely to sense your mood.

Remember that children can have psychological problems just like adults. They may start to get anxious, become moody or even start sleeping less. Their behavior towards school may change.

They may even start getting into fights or not doing their schoolwork. Keeping your child’s emotional health in mind should always be at the forefront of your thoughts.

Get the Best Legal Advice

The attorney you select to assist you with your case is critical for your success. A serious custody battle requires an expert attorney.

You need an attorney who has a track record of dealing with cases like this and winning them. Your attorney will give you the best options for winning your case. They will also give you realistic suggestions about what you can expect.

When the court makes decisions about a child custody case, they normally want to make sure that both parents are a part of their child’s life. Assuming that one of the parents does not display any overly deviant behaviors.

This means being a mother does not mean you will receive full custody, and just because you are a father does not mean that you do not have a chance. Your attorney will advise you of the best steps you can take to ensure that you are successful with your child custody lawsuit.

Try Mediation Services

As mentioned before, you need to consider the best interest of your child in a child custody case. Both parents are the ones who are ultimately in charge of whether things become contentious or not.

The best parenting relationships need a lot of collaboration. There should not be severe combat in these relationships. Since the best interest of your child is what should always be at the forefront of your mind.

If you have problems reaching any kind of agreement together, you should try to get your mediation services to assist you. Your attorney will help you to find a good mediator to assist with the case.

Post Cautiously on Social Media

Posting on social media has become widespread, and people often share intimate details of their life without a second thought. When you’re in a child custody battle, you need to be careful about your social media activities. Be aware that venting your frustration on social media about your case can work against you.

There is something called parental alienation, and if you are found guilty of this, it can hurt your case. Your social media posts can also be used to judge what type of person you are.

You should remember that when you post something, it can be used as evidence about your current psychological profile. It can also be used as a way to look at your spending habits and as evidence of the people you associate with.

If your social media is going to depict you in any light other than favorable, it is always best to either make your account private or delete it.

Set Yourself Up for Success

One of the most important things you can do is to set yourself up for success. If you want to have custody of your kids, even part-time, you will need to make sure that you have adequate housing arrangements.

Learn as much as you can about your children. Get involved in their education, know who their friends are, the name of their teacher, and also any medical issues they may be facing.

You must be able to show that you are a stable, responsible, and involved parent. This is one of the keys to successfully winning your case.

Bear in mind that even if you are not granted primary custody of your child, you will generally be given some very generous visitation rights. This ensures that you will stay involved in your child’s life as much as possible.

Win Your Child Custody Case

A child custody case can be very difficult for everyone involved. However, things don’t always have to get messy.

Both parents must always think of the best interest of their child when they are involved in a custody case. The best outcome is that both parents get to be involved in their child’s life and have an amicable co-parenting relationship.

With that being said, you need to set yourself up for success. Watch what you post on social media because it could affect your image, and make sure that you have a stable home and income. Finally, make sure that you find a good attorney to assist you with your case.

If you would like help with a custody battle, please contact us today.


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