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BBQ by J/T Legal

BBQ by J/T Legal

September 14, 2017

By Johnson/Turner Legal

BBQ by J/T Legal

September 14, 2017

By Johnson/Turner Legal

We probably won’t quit our day jobs. And we probably won’t post a lot of pics of barbecue wings to our site, either. But this was a special occasion. On Johnson Turner Legal at a BBQ fundraiser in 2017Saturday, September 9, we entered a team for the KEYS’ 1st Annual BBQ Grill-Off Fundraiser, an event to raise money for the Keep Every Youth Safe (KEYS) organization. The event features 20 teams of “hardcore meat contenders” involved in a “heated grill-off.”

We can’t really claim to be very hardcore. When we set up our equipment at the event, which took place at Park Community Church in St. Louis Park, we realized we had a smoker that had never been used and a brand-new grill purchased just for the event. Take that, and add the fact that none of us are actually hardcore meat contenders, and it’s a recipe for failure, right?

And yet… somehow, we took second place! Trust us, nobody was more surprised than we were. But the best part about this is the money and awareness raised for KEYS, an organization that empowers St. Louis Park community members through education, support and guidance to assist youth in the community who face obstacles in accessing critical developmental opportunities. Their goal is to close the gap between professional services and a connection to a personal community by building an intentional KEYS Community made up of volunteer youth, adults, businesses and organizations that are well versed in local professional services and a culture that is welcoming to youth.

It’s a group that’s right up our alley in terms of community and family services.

We had a great time, met some wonderful people, and might just might have found some second-act careers. But not until we’re done with the lawyering.

Johnson Turner Legal at a BBQ fundraiser Johnson Turner Legal at a BBQ fundraiser in 2017


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